Zero Waste

Ladies After Christ’s Example (LACE) Fellowship Morning

The LACE Women’s Ministry Team held their final lady’s event for the year and I was invited to share my plastic free lifestyle journey testimony with the guests.


I was afforded a lovely ? chance to speak to around 65 ladies ?????????  of a variety of ages, colours and backgrounds at a fellowship morning at our church. The morning was centred around Jesus, Ubuntu and, South Africa which the LACE Team has been praying about all year long.  

I got to share my plastic free lifestyle journey with them and show them my reusables, homemade products and how to ecobrick! 

I was so nervous! As I told them it was a real test to my homemade deo as I spoke ?

But I honestly found that as I spoke more and because I’m so passionate about it, I got more and more comfortable talking to them. 

I was glad for my notes though so that I kept on point and didn’t waffle in my excitement. 

I pray that a small seed was planted in each lady’s mind and, that the small awareness of plastic surrounding us was created. 

Reusable Fresh Produce Bag Demo
Explaining the many uses and benefits of reusable containers. This red flask keep scold really cold and hot really hot. Other reusables such as my Ecoffee Cup and glass jars can be used for anything from coffee, juice, ice cream or cocktails and leftovers!

Until next time…

waste less • refuse more

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